Moving house safely

Category Property

We've all felt like it - the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, sure someone is keeping an eye on you, watching as you receive a DVD box set that was for some reason labelled "essential" on the online store, sneaking in at 09:10 after the morning jog you were sure was shorter yesterday, or absent-mindedly fixing your mask as you stand in the chocolate aisle at the supermarket.

Feeling like you are crossing a line has become part of daily life and moving during the lockdown may have many people feeling just as guilty.

But as with most regulations, things have changed (except for the mask part - it's best to just ignore the tickle till you get to your car). Moving during Level 3 is allowed under certain circumstances, and with the effects of the lockdown touching so many lives, a very possible occurrence as landlords and tenants, buyer and sellers, alike seek their footing.

The good news is that moving safely is entirely possible.

The most important element is following adequate safety measures throughout the process. Businesses operating under Level 3 are all required to have an adequate safety plan in place, with a COVID-19 Compliance Officer that oversees the company's compliance with the necessary preventative measures. These requirements ensure that estate agents and transport companies keep every person involved in the move safe. Here are some of the most important guidelines to follow when moving:

· Get the necessary permits from a SAPS office that will allow you to travel during the lockdown.

· Adhere to social distancing and keep a minimum of 1,5m between yourself and the transport team at all times.

· Ensure that all parties wear properly fitted masks throughout the move.

· Have sanitiser handy to offer to all parties before and after the move.

· Properly sanitise the surfaces of the old property once furniture has been removed; sanitise surfaces in the new property both before and after furniture has been moved in, as well as the furniture itself.

· Be kind with your words, not your actions, for the time being.

If you follow the above protocol, moving should pleasant and safe experience... and you can look forward to enjoying your new safety bubble.

Author: Meridian Realty

Submitted 24 Jun 20 / Views 1167