How to make the most of selling your property over the Festive Season

Category Property

It's a common perception that the festive season isn't the best time to put your property in the real estate market. It makes sense, doesn't it? Christmas is around the corner, holiday spirits are high and (no one wants to admit this about those late deadlines, but) people are putting things on the back burner for the next year as they head away on their vacations.

But you don't have to put your property sale on hold until January or, taking into consideration the fact that the market still needs time to start up again in the new year, probably only late February. With these tips, the festive season may just prove to be the perfect time to have your property enter the market.

Here's how to make your property listing shine brighter than the neighbours' Christmas lights.

It's business as usual

No matter what time of the year it is, it's important to remember that the same criteria should be followed for getting your home ready for the market at any other time. Follow the basic guidelines of how to prepare your home for viewings and keep your selling price competitive, especially with your buyer's economic Christmas recovery in mind. 

With the festive season, though, there are a couple of extra items to add to your checklist.

Decorating the house

Don't overdo festive decorations. But don't ignore it entirely, either. Finding the right balance of festive knickknacks that won't overpower the aesthetic qualities of your home will not only create a joyous atmosphere but will also demonstrate to potential buyers the versatility of the property's decorative possibilities. 

Keep the decorations a point. When a highly religious buyer is bombarded with imagery of a conflicting religion, it could send them packing right then and there. But having your home decorated in the bland Christmas decorations of shopping malls and holiday movies may rob your property of its personality, leaving your home devoid of any sense of the personal touch that will resonate with your buyer on a more emotional level.

The festive atmosphere

The next tip is a cheat, both in the property game and in your diet. The festive season has an aroma to it - the smell of baked goods. Spiced fruit cakes, cinnamon snickerdoodle biscuits, fruit mince pies heating up in the oven...It sets your mouth watering just thinking about it. Now imagine a prospective buyer's mouth literally drooling over your property. The connotation they make to your home's delicious aromas will linger in the back of their thoughts. It's a cheat, but one you should use.

The festive season, thankfully, brings with it more than a few added kilos in the midsection. It's a time of romance, of relaxation, of...well, festivity. Moods are heightened after a long year and there are those who want to start their new year in a new home as soon as possible. Buying a new home is on a few new year's resolution lists, just swimming around in the back of the head for the time being. But why wait when you can help someone start crossing of their list before the new year has even begun. 

One downside for some will be having your home ready for viewings in the middle of your own holiday. With holiday goers possibly only passing through and not being able to schedule a viewing for later, you may be required to offer viewings at short notice for potential buyers. Keeping your home in viewing condition isn't an easy task, but one that is most beneficial for properties on show during the festive season.

The market is wide open

With many properties exiting the market because of the perception we mentioned above, the field is yours. Your listing will, by default be given extra attention. And while many buyers go on holiday, putting their property search on hold, many leases come to an end around the festive season, leaving renters who want to become buyers ready to decide quicker due to their new residential freedom.

Don't leave your listing up, however, if you are not going to give the sale your every effort. Rather take it down and advertise again in the new year than let your listing gather dust.

The future is now

More free time equals more browsing time. The festive season is about family time and relaxation. I mean, even real estate agents take a little time off around Christmas. But Google? Google doesn't have any family. And it never takes time off from work, not even for Christmas Eve dinner.

Keep your online listing as fully detailed and up to date as possible. If a prospective buyer can't reach you or your estate agent directly, your online listing should provide them with enough information to begin their decision-making process.

Selling your property in the festive season? It seems like a brilliant idea to us.

Contact us to help you bring the festive cheer to your property sale.

Author: Meridian Realty

Submitted 12 Dec 19 / Views 2048